Cynthia Johnson

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Book Review: "Cybersecurity For Dummies" By Joseph Steinberg

Cybersecurity for Dummies might be the “must-read” book of the year. The author, Joseph Steinberg, does a fantastic job of starting with the basics of cybersecurity without making the reader feel incompetent. For cybersecurity books, this feels like a first. 

Steinberg breaks down cyber threats based on attack types, risk, and outlines what most cybersecurity books miss; the human error. For me, the most significant takeaways were the sections describing how to lay a foundation that will set you and your businesses up for success in case of an attack, how to be less vulnerable to those potential risks, and how to avoid common everyday human mistakes. Steinberg stresses that we need to “think before we post” and “think before we share.” 

This book also gives detailed information and steps for creating and implementing an employee cybersecurity policy. Steinberg offers readers all of the necessary tools and knowledge to make decisions based on individual business needs, and details on what a business should or should not do when implementing a plan. The advice is excellent for small, medium, or larger businesses and gives us a lot to consider and use for organization planning for growth. 

Cybersecurity for Dummies also speaks to companies that are at or will be at the stage where they will need to hire a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO). Steinberg has an entire chapter dedicated to helping the reader to understand how to hire a CISO and what qualifications they should possess. His chapter outlining the CISO job gives non-technical business owners and executives tools for hiring, managing, and judging the job performance of their information executives. 

Overall, Cybersecurity for Dummies addresses all and any cybersecurity issues for businesses and individuals. This book should be used more as a handbook. Something that the reader can bounce around, revisit when they need to, and use to answer or prepare for everyday potential cybersecurity risks. This is a perfect gift for any entrepreneur, manager, or normal person who is looking for that extra level of security and safety in their homes, online, on social media, or personal devices. 

Cybersecurity for Dummiesis available from


Join the first #BizTipChat of the year on Twitter this Thursday, Feb. 13, 2020 at 1 PM PT, using hashtag # BizTipChat. We will be discussing “Cybersecurity for Your Business” and giving away a copy of Joseph Steinberg’s book, “Cybersecurity for Dummies!”